March 2016 more catching up

It has been almost a year since the last update and hopefully this gives others hope.

Emma has gone from being like a zombie to almost normal.  Over the course of the last few months, we had requested that her psychiatrist drop the dosage of her drugs.  Emma didn’t really want to – it was like a security blanket for her, and her fears of seeing scary things or feeling anxiety would be her reasons for staying on the drugs.

Thankfully, her psychiatrist was willing to lower the dosages, slowly at a time, adjusting lower and lower after weeks had gone by to make sure there was no relapse.  Depacote was eliminated – this was a drug that was to control anger, and Emma did not have any more anger issues.  She is now on 15 mg of Zyprexa.

Emma now laughs when she watches something funny on tv.  She is much more aware.  She is also very sweet, almost like a child, and becoming very useful around the house.  She cleans the entire house once a week for a specified amount of money, she runs out of the car and does errands to the post office, bank, market.

She is still a bit overweight – Zyprexa makes her always hungry, but she has just recently determined to eat less in order to lose weight.

I order brain supplements online that are hyped as nutrients that are necessary for brain health.  I want her to take Curcumin daily, but she does not.  She was taking Green Valley’s Maximum Memory Support with vitamins D3, B1, B6, B12, C, and Lion’s Mane extract.  She liked it, and has recently been trying Nerium’s EHT brain formula with almost the same vitamins, Huperzine-A, and EHT – a coffee extract.  She still complains of bright lights and occasional headaches so she thinks she needs to increase her meds, but the doctor wants her to stay the course.  Natural is best.  One day she might be completely off of drugs.

She will begin behavioral therapy soon with a State sponsored psychologist.  She is now stable enough and able to think much more rationally than before.  Her anxieties and fears are not real and only occasional, but they still hold her back from doing things like driving.

Another therapy that I believe might work very well for her is EFT – Emotional Freedom Therapy.  This could potentially find the cause of her problems so she can move on.  This is done with tapping on specific points of the body while doing confirmations and affirmations.  Here is a link to a recent Tapping event – it may be too late to sign up but some of the exercises and explanations are still available:

Please do not buy any program UNLESS you are going to really do the tapping.  I have not introduced it to Emma yet.  Perhaps in a few months after she decides that she want to do the tapping and believes in it.

If you had asked me 5 years, 4 years, 3 years, 2 years or even last year what I thought would happen to Emma, I would have been very pessimistic and hopeless.  Time heals all.  Her journey is teaching me that.

For all of you out there who are on the edge, keep on going, walking to the light.  It is always there for us, whether we see it or not.

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2 Responses to March 2016 more catching up

  1. I came across your blog while researching brain heath supplements. I have two Traumatic Brain Injuries (Concussions).
    After skimming thru your stories, I see that she has about all of the same symptoms that a person with a brain injury has.

    I just wanted to share my thoughts in case this avenue has not been explored.
    Prayers that she is improving daily.

    Blessings, Lisa

    • mother says:

      Thank you for your prayers and sharing. Emma might possibly have had a concussion in the past but her problems seem to be more physchological.

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