House of Happiness

What our family needs right now is a place for Emma to live in.  A house of happiness.

Being too close, for 24 hours a day, everyday, is not healthy for any of us.  Emma is under our control, and beginning to really resent it.

We control her because some of her actions are very weird – and now it is getting expensive.

She looks normal, acts almost normal, but there is a mis-firing in her thought process that has her fixated on some little thought, word, belief, to the exclusion of listening to reasoning.

There are a few people out in her circle of acquaintances who may be able to provide the kind of environment that Emma needs.  One that has only positive affirmations, constantly saying “I love you” to her, one that believes that Emma is capable of being independent.

It would be ideal if we could provide that kind of support for her, but I cannot.  As a mother of a disturbed adult child, I am already too distraught, too impatient, too tired.  I want her to be someone else’s problem – or angel.

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