Day 6, 3rd break

Emma is on 15 mg of Zyprexa every evening.  They also started her on Depakote yesterday to help calm her down but she was acting very loud and wired on the phone.  I spoke to the attendant and asked her to let the doctor know that some drugs have the opposite effect on Emma.

This evening, Emma was very lethargic, and almost normal!  What a difference a day makes!  She was not manic, not demanding to be taken to the beach.  She actually sat and we had a conversation.  She asked about things not being real, that we imagine things, and that she wished she wasn’t there.  She said that it was scary in the ward.  That wasn’t good, but she seemed able to handle it.

When the attendant came by with her nightly meds, Emma calmly refused the Depakote and only took the Zyprexa.  We left a short while after that, and hopefully she has a good night’s sleep.

If Emma continues to be calm, I think she can come home again.  I will need to learn patience, for both of our sakes.

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