Day 14-16, 3rd break

Emma was diagnosed as bi-polar, schizophrenic effective, whatever that means.  She has not gotten back to thinking rationally yet.

These past couple of days have her talking nonstop on the phone to friends or whoever is willing to listen to her.  She rambles on about her plans, being on her own.

She has no money, no job, no means of supporting herself.  However, she will qualify for disability under social security as well as State supported health care and treatment because of the hospital’s diagnosis, though this is a slow process and not set in place yet.

It is very very difficult to have her at home.  She says she does not trust me.  This makes me upset.  We are a very bad combination together.

The hospital released her with 3 different drugs.  Olanzapine 20 mg (Zyprexa) to calm her, 400 mg Tegretol to bring her down (used for bi-polar), and .5 mg of Clonazepam to help her sleep at night.  Although she was better than when she was first admitted to the hospital, she is far from being well.  She is in a state of euphoria and hard to handle.  She wants to go out to expensive hotels, go shopping, go to the beach.  She is refusing to have a crisis management counselor come to talk to her.

I am at my wits end, almost feeling like I going to go crazy myself.  Hopefully this shall pass.

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