Category Archives: Solutions

House of Happiness

What our family needs right now is a place for Emma to live in.  A house of happiness. Being too close, for 24 hours a day, everyday, is not healthy for any of us.  Emma is under our control, and … Continue reading

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Get off Damn Prescription Drugs

Emma has been seeing the same psychiatrist for 3 years.  He is a very accommodating doctor, letting Emma decide what anti psychotic drug she wants to try since nothing has been working lately.  After about 5 different changes and a … Continue reading

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EDTA Chelation to eliminate Mercury

Today, Emma began EDTA Chelation via IV with her personal MD.  This was important – that the medical professional who had ordered a blood test for mercury toxicity and also recommended chelation is the one performing Emma’s chelation- one of … Continue reading

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Psychotherapy with Neurofeedback

Interestingly enough, Emma’s highly recommended and respected neurologist, her latest psychologist, and now Dr. P, her neurotherapist (brain-based or EEG biofeedback) do not believe that Emma has schizophrenia.  Schizophrenia has been deemed to be a lifelong condition, so while this … Continue reading

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We are what we say we are

Daily living with Emma wears me down. Normally I awaken feeling refreshed after a good night’s sleep and I go to my window and give thanks and a prayer for Emma, asking that she be healed. The day starts with … Continue reading

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