Category Archives: Potential causes

Are you sleeping?

One of the things that has been glaringly a problem with Emma is her lack of, or poor sleep at night.  She sometimes dozes off during the day, but at night, she is talking on the phone or listening to … Continue reading

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Worms, parasites?

The other day, Emma came screaming to us to show us a worm on her skin.  She said it came out of her body, but it looked like a really little garden worm and I thought nothing of it. However, … Continue reading

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Not enough qualified doctors who care?

I am glad that I did not become a doctor.  Some of them think that they are god because they have “Dr.” in front of their name and they have thriving businesses.  Most of them are men – and the … Continue reading

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3 years ago, when Emma was brought home from Vegas, she was a shell of her former confident self.  She was still very beautiful, dressed well, but she was paranoid to the point of not being able to handle living … Continue reading

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HPPD – Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder

Emma is really a puzzle to all the professionals who have been treating her.  She used to go to free clinics in Las Vegas for free clinical appointments and free drugs that treated schizophrenia (one very irresponsible psychiatrist changed up … Continue reading

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Merina IUD and psychosis?

I don’t know if the Merina IUD is a cause of Emma’s condition.  The timing of it seems to coincide with her 2nd breakdown, but there was also her 7 stupid episodes of “rolling” on Ecstacy (MDMA) while on 5mg … Continue reading

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