Category Archives: Latest

Update: October 2018

Emma is almost like her old self, though older and lacking confidence.  She still lives with me because she is not able to be an independent working member of society, yet. She goes out with friends, has an occasional part … Continue reading

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March 2016 more catching up

It has been almost a year since the last update and hopefully this gives others hope. Emma has gone from being like a zombie to almost normal.  Over the course of the last few months, we had requested that her … Continue reading

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Controlling the brain with an iPad

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April 2015 catching up

It has been a long time since I last posted – almost a year ago! I really don’t know how I got through the year.  Emma’s ranting and episodes wore down on me and she was again admitted into the … Continue reading

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6th month, and it seems like years

When there is time and distance away from Emma, it is true bliss. Emma is a bit less antagonistic towards me, and so am I towards her.  Sometimes we even have decent conversations, but they are very rare and fleeting.  … Continue reading

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Able to handle, but barely

Recently, Emma has been so unreasonable and totally self centered.  She blames me constantly for things that have occurred 10 years ago.  She rants and raves, waking everyone early in the morning before the sun has risen.  She walks out … Continue reading

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3rd month, breakthrough for me

For months, I have been consumed with anger toward’s Emma.  I was full of hatred towards this selfish, self-centered, arrogant, accusatory young woman who would throw adult tantrums of ranting, yelling, and swearing.  Her erratic behavior would get worse and … Continue reading

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2nd month

It has been really rough dealing with Emma.  She is like an adult who has tantrums.  Same medication for the last 4 weeks:  15 mg Zyprexa, 200 mg Tegretol, .5 mg Clonazapam.  Doesn’t seem to be working. Still has big … Continue reading

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4th week, 3rd break

Emma is very difficult for me.  Her father has much more patience.  I am feeling very antagonistic towards this sick adult child, and she seems to know how to stir up my anger. A better mother would be understanding and … Continue reading

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Day 14-16, 3rd break

Emma was diagnosed as bi-polar, schizophrenic effective, whatever that means.  She has not gotten back to thinking rationally yet. These past couple of days have her talking nonstop on the phone to friends or whoever is willing to listen to … Continue reading

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