Author Archives: mother

Ongoing observations

May 26, 2013 Emma seems to be regressing in maturity.  She is 29 years old, but is now doing things like a young child – wanting to hold hands, sitting on the couch next to her dad and leaning on … Continue reading

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Psychotherapy with Neurofeedback

Interestingly enough, Emma’s highly recommended and respected neurologist, her latest psychologist, and now Dr. P, her neurotherapist (brain-based or EEG biofeedback) do not believe that Emma has schizophrenia.  Schizophrenia has been deemed to be a lifelong condition, so while this … Continue reading

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3 years ago, when Emma was brought home from Vegas, she was a shell of her former confident self.  She was still very beautiful, dressed well, but she was paranoid to the point of not being able to handle living … Continue reading

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May 20, 2013 Yesterday we received a box with sound canceling headsets and a white noise machine for Emma to cope with loud and unpleasant sounds.  [update note:  she said the white noise machine is too loud.  It is loud … Continue reading

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HPPD – Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder

Emma is really a puzzle to all the professionals who have been treating her.  She used to go to free clinics in Las Vegas for free clinical appointments and free drugs that treated schizophrenia (one very irresponsible psychiatrist changed up … Continue reading

Posted in Potential causes | 2 Comments

Getting what is expected

This morning started off badly.  Emma walks into our bedroom with her “woe is me” face on, ready to lie on our bed next to me.  Meanwhile, my husband is dressing and is spooked to have someone just walk in … Continue reading

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Merina IUD and psychosis?

I don’t know if the Merina IUD is a cause of Emma’s condition.  The timing of it seems to coincide with her 2nd breakdown, but there was also her 7 stupid episodes of “rolling” on Ecstacy (MDMA) while on 5mg … Continue reading

Posted in Potential causes | 11 Comments

We are what we say we are

Daily living with Emma wears me down. Normally I awaken feeling refreshed after a good night’s sleep and I go to my window and give thanks and a prayer for Emma, asking that she be healed. The day starts with … Continue reading

Posted in Solutions | 5 Comments

Namaste and all that good stuff

I was raised by a very strict mother and she would be aghast if I said shit, crap, etc.  This is really great stuff, but “stuff” isn’t strong enough of a word because this is more than great stuff, it … Continue reading

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