Author Archives: mother

Progress, but different

Emma has been off of all anti-psychotic drugs for over 6 months, and has even stopped taking medication for chronic migraine headaches.  She is better – not shielding her eyes from lights being too bright, and doesn’t get anxiety when … Continue reading

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2 months off of Geodon

Not sure what is going on, but Emma is now behaving more and more normal. It could be that the EDTA chelation to remove mercury from her body is finally working, it could be that the anti-biotics that the doctor … Continue reading

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After Geodon

Emma has been off of Geodon for about a month now.  She is much improved in her state of being – no more standing in the middle of the room staring out without consciousness. However, what I am noticing is … Continue reading

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Getting better, feeling better

There has been a lot of different elements of change recently, and Emma has improved, even though she doesn’t think so. Having her brother and sister home for a couple of weeks has given me a break from having to … Continue reading

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Not enough qualified doctors who care?

I am glad that I did not become a doctor.  Some of them think that they are god because they have “Dr.” in front of their name and they have thriving businesses.  Most of them are men – and the … Continue reading

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Get off Damn Prescription Drugs

Emma has been seeing the same psychiatrist for 3 years.  He is a very accommodating doctor, letting Emma decide what anti psychotic drug she wants to try since nothing has been working lately.  After about 5 different changes and a … Continue reading

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Getting Mad, Going Mad

The other day, I totally lost it.  I even wrote a post that I may never make public because it was not something to be proud of – failing as a loving mother and wishing for what I shouldn’t wish … Continue reading

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EDTA Chelation to eliminate Mercury

Today, Emma began EDTA Chelation via IV with her personal MD.  This was important – that the medical professional who had ordered a blood test for mercury toxicity and also recommended chelation is the one performing Emma’s chelation- one of … Continue reading

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They shoot horses, don’t they?

Sometimes it can get so very frustrating and tiring – watching Emma’s mind battle and lose every day.  I feel like I am carrying her around, like a big burlap sack that is full of gloom and doom. She makes … Continue reading

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In the last 2 weeks, Emma has become more needy of us, wanting to sit next to us, wanting to hold my hand.  It is almost like she is a little girl. I don’t hug much, but when I do, … Continue reading

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