Author Archives: mother

Day 14-16, 3rd break

Emma was diagnosed as bi-polar, schizophrenic effective, whatever that means.  She has not gotten back to thinking rationally yet. These past couple of days have her talking nonstop on the phone to friends or whoever is willing to listen to … Continue reading

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Day 10, 3rd break

The hospital has released Emma to our care.  She is on 20 mg of Zyprexa (a slight increase), 400  mg of Tegretol, and .5 mg of Clonazepam (to help her sleep at night). She was very happy to be able … Continue reading

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Day 6, 3rd break

Emma is on 15 mg of Zyprexa every evening.  They also started her on Depakote yesterday to help calm her down but she was acting very loud and wired on the phone.  I spoke to the attendant and asked her … Continue reading

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Day 4, 3rd break

Emma is still in the mental ward.  She has been calling several times everyday, sometimes asking, sometime demanding that we see her.  She wants us all to go to the beach with her.  Anytime we say something that is not … Continue reading

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3rd breakdown, 3rd year

These past 2 weeks were hell.  Emma had transformed to an angry, obstinate daughter who does not trust us.  She dresses up in very tight revealing clothes and demands to be dropped off for appointments. She has been making more … Continue reading

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Living with the enemy

Today, as I dropped Emma off on one of her doctor appointments, Emma said that she cannot trust me because of how I  am going against my husband’s religion. To my credit, I didn’t say anything, but it made me … Continue reading

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House of Happiness

What our family needs right now is a place for Emma to live in.  A house of happiness. Being too close, for 24 hours a day, everyday, is not healthy for any of us.  Emma is under our control, and … Continue reading

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Worms, parasites?

The other day, Emma came screaming to us to show us a worm on her skin.  She said it came out of her body, but it looked like a really little garden worm and I thought nothing of it. However, … Continue reading

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Hate is a 4 letter word

I hate Emma – especially today.  She is the biggest failure in my life and I want to just give it up by getting her out of my life. These past few days have been rough.  Emma has been very … Continue reading

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Still progress, still different

Emma has become a Christian fanatic.  She believes that God has to forgive her and that she had to go to church.  She is conflicted because her father is so immersed in his Christian faith that condemns others as not … Continue reading

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