After Geodon

Emma has been off of Geodon for about a month now.  She is much improved in her state of being – no more standing in the middle of the room staring out without consciousness.

However, what I am noticing is a misfiring of her thought processes – rather distrubing, but I don’t believe it is because of Geodon withdrawal.  Rather, it is something that is there that her zombie-like state in Geodon masked.

Examples of her strange thought processes:

Sometimes repeats and repeats the same thing over and over, like a broken record, even if we answer to it.

Doesn’t bathe every day, wears the same clothes even though they must be dirty for several days in a row.

When in public, she sometimes speaks really loudly, laughs loudly.  She doesn’t wear any makeup or even comb her hair.  She looks like someone who goes out in their house clothes rather than changing to nicer clothing.  Her excuse is that her nicer clothes have to be dry cleaned.  She looks like crap – such a difference from just 4 months ago when she used to look very beautiful.

Many times, her first response to a request is an abrupt “NO!” and then she will change her mind.  She sometimes looks very angry and then the next minute seem fine.

She drove the family car twice when I was away on a trip – once to McDonalds for french fries, and once to the supermarket to buy bacon.

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