Ongoing observations

May 26, 2013

Emma seems to be regressing in maturity.  She is 29 years old, but is now doing things like a young child – wanting to hold hands, sitting on the couch next to her dad and leaning on him.  Wanting to lie on our bed (which we are keeping off limits so we have someplace that is ours – our own safety zone).

Today, she had an almost retarded look when sitting with us.  A frozen grin on her face, a glimpse of delight in her eyes.

Is that good?  I don’t really know.  She felt wired like she was on speed yesterday after her 2nd neurofeedback session, and said that she did not sleep at all last night.  Perhaps this regression is due to lack of sleep.

May 31, 2013

Emma had a rather good day yesterday.  She slept in later than usual.  This was to be expected since she was told that she may be very tired after her chelation treatment.  One surprise was hearing her laugh – it was for something rather silly, but she laughed!  I haven’t heard that from her for weeks.  I think that is a good thing.

{this post will be updated continuously.}

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