Worms, parasites?

The other day, Emma came screaming to us to show us a worm on her skin.  She said it came out of her body, but it looked like a really little garden worm and I thought nothing of it.

However, she also said that the tea tree oil shampoo that she started using was killing the worm that was under her scalp on her head.  Hmmm, is that possible?

Years ago, Emma did have parasites, and I had ordered a rather expensive worm treatment ($80/bottle) from Australia.  This did the trick for her, and she felt wonderful after.

It was worth trying again, but this time we used Paratox – I forget what health food company I ordered it from, but it was online.  Worms came out of her body – little tiny skinny ones and even a fuzzy one – or maybe it was just fuzz?  She saved them in ziploc bags, and they were actually wiggling around.  Rather creepy.

Her doctor did think she was crazy and said that we should get her exorcised of demons or worse.  However, I vouched for her – that I did see the worms.

Wouldn’t it be lovely if it was just a case of worms in Emma’s system causing all of her mental issues?

If anything, I believe it is part of it, and we have a long haul left to go.

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