Still progress, still different

Emma has become a Christian fanatic.  She believes that God has to forgive her and that she had to go to church.  She is conflicted because her father is so immersed in his Christian faith that condemns others as not following God’s word (even other churches are not good enough) and her mother (me), who believes that God is universal.

She has become very compulsive about cleaning, and rearranging.   She moves my things around and cannot remember doing it – or is just saying that she doesn’t remember.

She is also acting up more – like a spoiled child who doesn’t want to hear “no”.  She takes a long time to do simple tasks like wash a dish.  Sometimes she waves her hands in the air as if she is spacing out.

She gets really angry at me when I scold her for writing on my things or putting items where I do not want them.

It has been a difficult week, not sure if this is an improvement.

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