2nd month

It has been really rough dealing with Emma.  She is like an adult who has tantrums.  Same medication for the last 4 weeks:  15 mg Zyprexa, 200 mg Tegretol, .5 mg Clonazapam.  Doesn’t seem to be working.

Still has big goals that are not going to happen without her being more stable.  She feels trapped and over controlled.  Truth to tell, she is trapped within our rules and controlled because she does not have her own car, does not have a valid drivers license, and does not make any income of her own.

The good news is that she is qualified under the State’s medical coverage for health and medication, and we are in the process of getting her financial aid as a disabled person.  I feel bad that she will be compensated for being so non productive.  I am glad that we are in the USA, and am glad and willing to pay our taxes.

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