2 months off of Geodon

Not sure what is going on, but Emma is now behaving more and more normal.

It could be that the EDTA chelation to remove mercury from her body is finally working, it could be that the anti-biotics that the doctor recently prescribed for her urinary tract infection had something to do with it, it could be the migraine headache medication’s effect has helped.

Since Emma has gone through a lot of different therapies (including neurobiofeedback training), who can say which one is the one that worked, or if it is a combination of therapies?

I really believe the biggest factor in Emma’s recovery is getting off of Geodon, or any other anti-psychotic medication for treating schizophrenia.   Not that I would recommend getting off of drugs for everyone, BUT the initial diagnosis of schizophrenia for Emma’s condition  was based on a rather uncaring, overworked doctor after her initial “first break” 3 years ago in a mental facility after a trip to the emergency room.

How many people are labeled with a disorder that they don’t have and are then prescribed drugs that potentially can do more harm than good?

Emma used to not want to go to the neurobiofeedback trainings because it made her eyes hurt, or started a headache, or she just didn’t enjoy the process.  Because of various factors, we stopped going for about a month, and just yesterday, Emma said that she wanted to go to sessions again – just to see how much better she does!  Hurray!  Emma is beginning to see that there is hope that she is getting normal, and if the machine can validate it, who knows what her future can be!

Light does not bother Emma as much, she does not shade her eyes anymore or ask that we turn down lights.  Sounds are not as loud to her, we can have normal conversations and she doesn’t think it seems like yelling.  She still has an aversion to the sirens of ambulances – pershaps there is something other than her hearing that causes this fear.

She is a happier person.  Has even gone out with a friend on dinner dates.  Things still look scary to her, but she said she can handle it.  That is a BIG difference from just a few weeks ago – when she would come home after going out feeling terrified of the scary people that she would fixate on.

Good news, have my fingers crossed that this keeps up!

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